PRIME Juicers On Blogger
Improve your health today! Get started juicing FRESH fruits and vegetables. It's great fun and there's nothing better than FRESH fruit juice and vegetable juice for the body. I have lots of recipes and information about juicing, so I hope you'll join me and follow this blog. You won't be sorry!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Water Cooler II | Orange and Watermelon Juice Recipe
The Water Cooler II comes from the book, The Big Book of Juices: “Unbelievably light and refreshing, the watermelon takes the edge off the tangy orange”. I couldn’t agree more and I liked this one better than the Water Cooler which uses grapefruit.
This juice is a delicious, sweet drink and very enjoyable with a late afternoon snack of almonds. You can’t go wrong with this one.
You could try using less watermelon and adding some sparkling water.
Water Cooler II
Nutrients: Beta-Carotene, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur. Get a boost of energy when drinking this wonderful fruit juice.
Makes 32 ounces
- 3 oranges
- 1 thick slice of watermelon
P.S. Please remember to subscribe to my blog. No Spam!
Water Cooler II | Orange and Watermelon Juice Recipe
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
In the Reboot Kitchen: Australia Day Juices | Reboot With Joe
Here are two more delicious recipes from the Reboot With Joe Kitchen. Both recipes are delicious and good for the body.
Nutritional Value
The yellow bell peppers main nutritional contribution to this juice is in vitamin C content. A 2/3-cup serving of yellow bell peppers delivers 306 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. This is a good time of year for vitamin C. You’ll also get 8 percent of the vitamin B-6 you need for the day from a 2/3-cup serving of yellow peppers. All of the B-complex vitamins promote healthy liver function, as well as healthy eyes, skin and hair.
In the other Reboot With Joe Recipe you’ll find one bunch of parsley. Parsley provides your body with vitamin-A, beta-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin-E, zea-xanthin, lutein, and cryptoxanthin. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin-K and folates.
Australia Day inspired Claire (Reboot Naturopath, B.HSc ND) to come up with two beautiful green and gold juices for this very special weekend in Australia.
Reboot With Joe Recipes
Gold Juice
½ pineapple
1 yellow pepper (capsicum)
1 lemon
1″ piece ginger
Green Juice
4 kale leaves
1/4 -1/2 green melon
1 large cucumber
1 bunch parsley
Thanks for reading and Juice On!
LIVESTRONG.COM: The Nutrition Profile For A Yellow Bell Pepper
Nutrition And You: Parsley Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits
In the Reboot Kitchen: Australia Day Juices | Reboot With Joe.
In the Reboot Kitchen: Australia Day Juices | Reboot With Joe
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Juice Cleansing That Works Part I
Juice Cleansing Programs That Get Good Results
Make juicing fresh vegetable and fruit juice a part of your daily routine. Try juice cleansing (fasting) regularly and you’ll be surprised at the results you get. Some people complete a 24 to 72 hour juice cleanse once a month and some do it more often. Others will do juice cleansing once a quarter or maybe twice a year. It’s completely up to you.
You could try one day to start with. Just 24 hours of nothing but fresh vegetable and fruit juice. If it makes sense to change the oil in you car regularly, then doesn’t it make sense to clean out your bodily systems too? If you’re doing a 3 day cleanse, be sure to stick with it even if you feel bad after the first day. This is a common reaction to a cleanse (detox), it get’s a little worse before it gets better. A lot of people report after a day or two they feel worse, but then after that the breakthrough just comes out of nowhere. The energy returns and you feel great!
I’ll be writing more in the weeks ahead about juice cleansing and detoxing. There will be more about the specific cleanses and recipes for individual organs of the body. I’ll go over a good first juice fast (cleanse) that just about anyone can do. If you’ve never done this before a good 24 hour juice fast is the way to go. That’s how I started.
Just one day of fresh vegetable and fruit juice (let’s not forget water). That’s a confidence builder. Then we’ll move on to a 3 day cleanse. I’m a believer in moderation. I don’t think it’s wise to go overboard at first. Start slowly and see how well you feel. You can do a big 30 day cleanse in the future, but for now, easy does it. You’ll get better results if you start out with something manageable rather then going all out and trying something you’re not mentally or physically ready for. I’m in this for the long haul, not just a quick fix.
These programs are life changing, but only if you stick with it and are consistent.
Let’s try a simple recipe to build up to our first 24 hour juice fast.
For Breakfast:
3 or 4 carrots
1 small beet
1/2 cucumber
1/2 small lemon (peeled if not organic)
1/2 in. of ginger root
1 apple
Remember to wash everything thoroughly. If you’re concerned about chemicals/pesticides you can peel the lemon and cucumber. Even the apple, but I just wash apples. However, I do peel the lemon because it’s really strong otherwise. Do it to your taste. Experiment, have fun, enjoy and we’ll visit this again next week. Thanks for reading.
Important Note: If you’re diabetic, hypoglycemic, anemic, taking medication or have any serious health problems, please consult a health professional before trying a juice fast.
If you plan on detoxing, I highly recommend you get this book!
Juice Cleansing That Works Part I
Monday, January 16, 2017
Integrating Juicing Into Your Diet
I have been asked many times, should I just juice or should I eat when I juice? When you only juice basically what you’re doing is a juice cleanse or juice fast. What I wanted to do when I started juicing was to intergrate juicing into my daily meals. That’s where I believe the real long term benefits of juicing are.
Integrating juicing into your diet will improve your overall health.
Studies show, only 20 percent of Americans eat five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and a mere 5 percent consume seven servings. Integrating juicing into your diet will help you get those needed servings of fruits and vegetables.
The only thing you’ll be missing is the fiber and you can get fiber from other foods you eat. I’m not suggesting you juice all of your fruits and vegetables. Supplement your diet with juice.
For a complete diet you need the whole foods too. Raw or lightly steamed vegetables and raw fresh fruit are part of a healthy diet.
Integrating Juicing Into Your Diet
Lately I’ve been using a diet from the book, Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing. When integrating juicing into your diet I believe it’s best to follow a plan at first. Once you get into the routine, it’s easy to continue. “Repetition is the father of all learning”, I don’t know who said it first, but it’s true.
Breakfast Juice of your choice Hot cereal Whole grain toast Tea | Lunch Juice of your choice Salad Bean or pea soup Sandwich | Dinner Juice of your choice Salad Stir-fry with vegetables and meat, poultry or seafood Baked potato Whole grain roll |
In addition to the above I have snacks between meals which can include fresh juice, yogurt or nut butter on whole grain crackers. Celery, carrots and apples are great healthy snacks too.
I prepare my juice in the morning and store it in mason jars for later in the day. I don’t keep it for more than 24 hours, it just tastes better fresh 😎
I try to drink my juice about 20 minutes before my meal, so I have it on an empty stomach. This gives my digestive system time to absorb those fantastic and powerful nutrients.
If you’d like to see the diet plan in it’s entirety, please pick up the book, Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing. You’ll be glad you did.
More diet plans in the book, Juicing For Life:
- The Sugar Metabolism Disorder Diet
- The Immune Support Diet
- The Elimination Diet
Also, cleansing diets and weight-loss diets!
Thanks for dropping by and happy juicing!
Integrating Juicing Into Your Diet
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Juice Cleanse Recipes
Let’s look at a few juice cleanse recipes. I’m about to embark on a 48 hour juice cleanse or you could call it a juice fast (feast). This is a ritual of mine that I started performing regularly a few years ago. Actually my first juice cleanse was many years ago and I tried it with store bought juice. Yuck!
After the holidays is a great time to cleanse. I’ve found all of that holiday food just doesn’t digest well and it still may be lingering in my colon. Who knows what’s in there 😕
If you read my last article (Hiatus From Blogging But Not Juicing) you may remember I was targeting constipation, headache and motion sickness. Here are some great recipes from the book Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing specifically for those
Suggested Juice Cleanse Recipes For Constipation
Evening Regulator – 2 apples, 1 pear. Alternate pushing apple and pear slices through juicer.
Cherie’s Cleansing Cocktail – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1 beet, 1/2 apple, 4 carrots (greens removed). Push ginger, beet and apple through juicer with carrots.
Spring Tonic – Handful of parsley, 4 carrots (greens removed), 1 garlic clove, 2 stalks celery. Bunch up parsley and push through juicer with carrots, garlic and celery.
Suggested Juice Cleanse Recipes For Migraine Headache
Spicy Cantaloupe Shake – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1/2 cantaloupe. Push ginger through juicer with cantaloupe.
Ginger Hopper – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 4-5 carrots greens removed, 1/2 apple. Push ginger through juicer with carrots and apple.
Waldorf Salad – 1 green apple, 1 stalk celery. Push apple and celery through juicer.
Suggested Juice Cleanse Recipes For Motion Sickness
Ginger Hopper – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 4-5 carrots greens removed, 1/2 apple. Push ginger through juicer with carrots and apple.
Ginger Fizz – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1 apple, Sparkling water. Push ginger through juicer with apple. Pour juice into ice filled glass. Fill glass to top with sparkling water.
Ginger Ale – 1 lemon wedge, 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1 medium bunch green grapes, Sparkling water. Juice lemon. Push ginger through juicer with grapes. Pour juice into ice filled glass. Fill glass to top with sparkling water.
There you have some great recipes. According to the book we should be seeding the apples. However, I don’t believe it makes much difference. You could though, because it will only take a second or two if you’re using something like the Omega J8004 Juicer.
Next up, The 48 Hour Juice Cleanse. I can’t wait to write.
Thanks for visiting Prime Juicers and remember, “There’s no-thing better for your body than fresh fruit and vegetable juice!”
Sources for this article include:
Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing
Juice Cleanse Recipes
Monday, November 21, 2016
FREE Juice Recipe Software
Okay here’s a treat for you, Juice Suggestion Software v1.0. This is free juice recipe software! I used this little juice recipe software application when I got started juicing. It’ll let you search for juicing recipes for a specific item or two. Say you have some apples, carrots, kale, ginger, celery and cucumber. Enter a one or a couple of those items in and it’ll find a recipe for you. You can choose the recipe that suits your taste buds at the moment. See the download link below. Did I mention it’s FREE? Not shareware that expires or free with tons of ads, just free 🙂 Don’t you like free stuff? Please leave a quick comment below.
Free Juice Recipe Software
Here’s the software description right off of the download site: “Makes juicing fun quick and easy. Juice recipe software suggests the perfect juice just punch in your ingredients. Over 100 delicious healthy recipes to choose from. Perfect for dieters, detox programs, juice fasting and as a compliment to your exercise or diet routine. This version is the first release on CNET”
Read more: Juice Suggestion Software – CNET
FREE Juice Recipe Software