Let’s look at a few juice cleanse recipes. I’m about to embark on a 48 hour juice cleanse or you could call it a juice fast (feast). This is a ritual of mine that I started performing regularly a few years ago. Actually my first juice cleanse was many years ago and I tried it with store bought juice. Yuck!
After the holidays is a great time to cleanse. I’ve found all of that holiday food just doesn’t digest well and it still may be lingering in my colon. Who knows what’s in there 😕
If you read my last article (Hiatus From Blogging But Not Juicing) you may remember I was targeting constipation, headache and motion sickness. Here are some great recipes from the book Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing specifically for those
Suggested Juice Cleanse Recipes For Constipation
Evening Regulator – 2 apples, 1 pear. Alternate pushing apple and pear slices through juicer.
Cherie’s Cleansing Cocktail – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1 beet, 1/2 apple, 4 carrots (greens removed). Push ginger, beet and apple through juicer with carrots.
Spring Tonic – Handful of parsley, 4 carrots (greens removed), 1 garlic clove, 2 stalks celery. Bunch up parsley and push through juicer with carrots, garlic and celery.
Suggested Juice Cleanse Recipes For Migraine Headache
Spicy Cantaloupe Shake – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1/2 cantaloupe. Push ginger through juicer with cantaloupe.
Ginger Hopper – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 4-5 carrots greens removed, 1/2 apple. Push ginger through juicer with carrots and apple.
Waldorf Salad – 1 green apple, 1 stalk celery. Push apple and celery through juicer.
Suggested Juice Cleanse Recipes For Motion Sickness
Ginger Hopper – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 4-5 carrots greens removed, 1/2 apple. Push ginger through juicer with carrots and apple.
Ginger Fizz – 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1 apple, Sparkling water. Push ginger through juicer with apple. Pour juice into ice filled glass. Fill glass to top with sparkling water.
Ginger Ale – 1 lemon wedge, 1/4 inch slice ginger root, 1 medium bunch green grapes, Sparkling water. Juice lemon. Push ginger through juicer with grapes. Pour juice into ice filled glass. Fill glass to top with sparkling water.
There you have some great recipes. According to the book we should be seeding the apples. However, I don’t believe it makes much difference. You could though, because it will only take a second or two if you’re using something like the Omega J8004 Juicer.
Next up, The 48 Hour Juice Cleanse. I can’t wait to write.
Thanks for visiting Prime Juicers and remember, “There’s no-thing better for your body than fresh fruit and vegetable juice!”
Sources for this article include:
Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing
Juice Cleanse Recipes
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