Monday, January 16, 2017

Integrating Juicing Into Your Diet

I have been asked many times, should I just juice or should I eat when I juice? When you only juice basically what you’re doing is a juice cleanse or juice fast. What I wanted to do when I started juicing was to intergrate juicing into my daily meals. That’s where I believe the real long term benefits of juicing are.

Integrating juicing into your diet will improve your overall health.

Studies show, only 20 percent of Americans eat five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and a mere 5 percent consume seven servings. Integrating juicing into your diet will help you get those needed servings of fruits and vegetables.

integrating juicing into your dietThe only thing you’ll be missing is the fiber and you can get fiber from other foods you eat. I’m not suggesting you juice all of your fruits and vegetables. Supplement your diet with juice.

For a complete diet you need the whole foods too. Raw or lightly steamed vegetables and raw fresh fruit are part of a healthy diet.

Integrating Juicing Into Your Diet

Lately I’ve been using a diet from the book, Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing. When integrating juicing into your diet I believe it’s best to follow a plan at first. Once you get into the routine, it’s easy to continue. “Repetition is the father of all learning”, I don’t know who said it first, but it’s true.


Juice of your choice

Hot cereal

Whole grain toast


Juice of your choice


Bean or pea soup


Juice of your choice


Stir-fry with vegetables and meat, poultry or seafood

Baked potato

Whole grain roll




In addition to the above I have snacks between meals which can include fresh juice, yogurt or nut butter on whole grain crackers. Celery, carrots and apples are great healthy snacks too.

I prepare my juice in the morning and store it in mason jars for later in the day. I don’t keep it for more than 24 hours, it just tastes better fresh  😎

I try to drink my juice about 20 minutes before my meal, so I have it on an empty stomach. This gives my digestive system time to absorb those fantastic and powerful nutrients.

If you’d like to see the diet plan in it’s entirety, please pick up the book, Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing. You’ll be glad you did.

More diet plans in the book, Juicing For Life:

  • The Sugar Metabolism Disorder Diet

  • The Immune Support Diet

  • The Elimination Diet

Also, cleansing diets and weight-loss diets!

Thanks for dropping by and happy juicing!

Integrating Juicing Into Your Diet