Saturday, September 9, 2017

Juice Cleansing That Works Part I

Juice Cleansing Programs That Get Good Results

Make juicing fresh vegetable and fruit juice a part of your daily routine. Try juice cleansing (fasting) regularly and you’ll be surprised at the results you get. Some people complete a 24 to 72 hour juice cleanse once a month and some do it more often. Others will do  juice cleansing once a quarter or maybe twice a year. It’s completely up to you.

the big book of juices

You could try one day to start with. Just 24 hours of nothing but fresh vegetable and fruit juice. If it makes sense to change the oil in you car  regularly, then doesn’t it make sense to clean out your bodily systems too? If you’re doing a 3 day cleanse, be sure to stick with it even if you feel bad after the first day. This is a common reaction to a cleanse (detox), it get’s a little worse before it gets better. A lot of people report after a day or two they feel worse, but then after that the breakthrough just comes out of nowhere. The energy returns and you feel great!

I’ll be writing more in the weeks ahead about juice cleansing and detoxing. There will be more about the specific cleanses and recipes for individual organs of the body. I’ll go over a good first juice fast (cleanse) that just about anyone can do. If you’ve never done this before a good 24 hour juice fast is the way to go. That’s how I started.

Just one day of fresh vegetable and fruit juice (let’s not forget water). That’s a confidence builder. Then we’ll move on to a 3 day cleanse.  I’m a believer in moderation. I don’t think it’s wise to go overboard at first. Start slowly and see how well you feel. You can do a big 30 day cleanse in the future, but for now, easy does it. You’ll get better results if you start out with something manageable rather then going all out and trying something you’re not mentally or physically ready for. I’m in this for the long haul, not just a quick fix.

These programs are life changing, but only if you stick with it and are consistent.

Let’s try a simple recipe to build up to our first 24 hour juice fast.

For Breakfast:

3 or 4 carrots

1 small beet

1/2 cucumber

1/2 small lemon (peeled if not organic)

1/2 in. of ginger root

1 apple

Remember to wash everything thoroughly. If you’re concerned about chemicals/pesticides you can peel the lemon and cucumber. Even the apple, but I just wash apples. However, I do peel the lemon because it’s really strong otherwise. Do it to your taste. Experiment, have fun, enjoy and we’ll visit this again next week. Thanks for reading.

Important Note: If you’re diabetic, hypoglycemic, anemic, taking medication or have any serious health problems, please consult a health professional before trying a juice fast.

If you plan on detoxing, I highly recommend you get this book!



Juice Cleansing That Works Part I