Friday, February 19, 2016

Apple, Beet, Pear Fruit Juice Recipe

UPDATE: The Apple, Beet, Pear Fruit Juice recipe comes from The Juicing Bible. Most of my recipes come from books I’ve purchased and some come from a FREE juice suggestion software program. I modify the recipes for my taste and you can too!

I also find recipes online and some get sent to me by fellow bloggers and followers. Whenever possible I credit the source.

apple, beet, pear fruit juiceFresh Juice: Apple, Beet, Pear Fruit Juice Recipe

As I said, this recipe (apple, beet, pear) comes from the book, The Juicing Bible. I really have enjoyed this book and use it for reference quite frequently. So if you can, I recommend you have a copy for yourself. Here’s the Apple, Beet, Pear recipe with a slight modification (remove lemon peel) of my own. Actually the book does mention to remove the lemon peel in another chapter, but I want to make it a point in this recipe. Leave as much of the pith (white stuff) as possible. As with other citrus fruit, the pith contains pectin and bioflavonoids, which help the body to absorb vitamin C. I find lemon peel too bitter for my taste, especially when juiced in the Omega J8004 Masticating Juicer.

This is a delicious recipe and I love the bit of foam on top. On this recipe anyway.

Before juicing I didn’t like fresh beets, but juicing has really expanded my taste. I love raw, fresh beet juice now.

This is a simple recipe and very enjoyable to make. Try it, you’ll like it!

Serves 2 people

  • 2 apples

  • 1 pear

  • 3 beets (small to medium, with tops)

  • 1/2 lemon (peeled)

  • 1/2 inch piece of ginger root (optional)

apple, beet, pear fruit juice

I start with the ginger root, then the lemon and after those have gone through I process the rest in my juicer. My reason to start with the ginger root and lemon is that I want to get all that I can out of it, since it’s such a tiny amount. I think juicing them first will allow the rest, as it pushes through, to capture any residual ginger root and lemon left in the auger. 

Some people like to juice the lemon last because it helps clean and freshen the juicer parts. Personal preference I suppose. As I see it there’s really no right way or wrong way when it comes to this. Experiment and enjoy.

If you have a juice recipe you’d like to share with me, please contact me. I’ll be sure to give credit where credit is due. As always, thanks for reading and happy juicing!

Sources for this article include:

Apple, Beet, Pear Fruit Juice Recipe

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