Friday, February 5, 2016

Limber Joint Libation - Cherry, Pineapple Smoothie

limber joint libationHere’s one I’ve been working with trying to get it acceptable to me. Don’t know if I’ve got there yet. It’s the Limber Joint Libation smoothie recipe.

I’ve made this a couple of times. Virginia says it’s okay, but I’m going to try and improve it. It doesn’t taste sweet enough, but maybe it’s not supposed to.

This is an excellent recipe for inflammation though. Turmeric works on my joints, no doubt! I take turmeric daily in capsule form and it has reduced my inflammation considerably. I can’t say enough good things about turmeric.

Cherries reduce inflammation: Cherries and cherry juice have been used since the 1950s by sufferers of gout and arthritis to ease their symptoms. Gout results from an overload of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia), which accumulates and forms crystals in the joints, causing painful arthritis; cherry consumption has been shown to reduce circulating levels of uric acid, which may be one pathway by which cherries improve gout symptoms. – Dr. Fuhrman

This comes from the booklet I received with my NutriBullet, it’s on page 83.

Arthritis pain is often caused by inflammation in joints, which may be soothed by natural healing foods. Cherries, parsley and turmeric are widely celebrated for their inflammation fighting powers, so try this recipe if you suffer from the pains of arthritis and get your joints jumping once more! – NutriBullet

Limber Joint Libation

  • 1/2 tall cup spinach

  • 1/2 cup cherries (pits removed)

  • 1/2 cup pineapple

  • 1/4 cup parsley

  • 1 Tbsp raw cacao (powder, nibs, beans)

  • 1 tsp turmeric

  • water to max line

limber joint libation ingrediantsAdd all ingrediants to the Tall Cup and extract until smooth.


NutriBullet Life Changing Recipes

Eat cherries for a healthy heart, a good night’s sleep and more

Try this recipe and tell me what you think. Thanks again for visiting my website, please comment below.

Limber Joint Libation - Cherry, Pineapple Smoothie

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