After a morning of fasting and having plenty of water, I decided to go out for a jog. I feel good and lighter already. This juice fast is going by quickly.
I don’t want to forget to mention it’s important to drink plenty of purified water when you’re on a juice fast and it’s also okay to have herbal tea. I had some in the morning and it sure tastes great.
Juice Fast – Lunch
For lunch I’ll be juicing parsley, carrots, garlic and celery. I don’t remember the last time I juiced garlic, but it sounds like it’ll be interesting to say the least. Here’s what I made and I made a double batch which yielded about 20 ounces:
2:30 PM, running a little late for lunch 😡 – Spring Tonic – Handful of parsley, 4 carrots (greens removed), 1 garlic clove, 2 stalks celery. Bunch up parsley and push through juicer with carrots, garlic and celery.
The Spring Tonic is another recipe that’s good for relieving constipation.
Juice Fast – Dinner
For dinner and a snack later I’ll juice and have the Evening Regulator and Waldorf Salad. You can see these and other suggested recipes in one of my past articles, 48 Hour Juice Cleanse Recipes. In addition before retiring to bed, I’ll have some chamomile tea.
It’s been a wonderful day and I feel great. Juices offer great quantities of nutrients and a juice fast is a powerful healing tool. I can’t wait for dinner!
6:00 PM and 8:00 PM – Evening Regulator – 2 apples, 1 pear. Alternate pushing apple and pear slices through juicer. Good for constipation. Makes approx. 16 ounces. – Waldorf Salad – 1 green apple, 1 stalk celery. Push apple and celery through juicer. I doubled this recipe to make 16 ounces. Good for migraine headache.
Evening Regulator | Waldorf Salad |
Words of caution: Diabetics should seek a doctors approval before trying a juice fast. You can fast from 1 to 5 days anytime you like, but if you fast for longer than 5 days, I recommend you seek a heath care professionals supervision.
Please visit again soon to see Day 2.
Thanks for visiting Prime Juicers and remember, “There’s no-thing better for your body than fresh fruit and vegetable juice!”
Sources for this article include:
Juicing for Life: A Guide to the Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicing
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